February 02, 2021



Alguém é amante de uma costureira? Just asking... 🙂

Vacinam contra a Covid-19 indevidamente mãe de padre e costureira em Valongo

Primeira fase abrange utentes e funcionários de lares, mas a mãe do pároco, voluntária no centro social dirigido pelo filho, e a costureira foram vacinadas.

O Carlos Santos Silva é o silva dos plásticos - todos têm um 🙂


Russian billionaire Arkady says he owns 'Putin palace'
Russian state television on Friday rejected claims that the property was owned by Putin and dismissed reports that it had an aquatic disco, showing an empty fountain at the purported site.

Putin unmoved

Arrests already starting near #Navalny courtroom ahead of trial that is expected to see him given several years real jail time. (Olivr Carroll)

Hell, yeah...


O lado insano do mercantilismo tornado evidente


Não há razão para haver escassez de vacinas e ter o planeta nesta aflição. Bastava a Pfizer e a Moderna partilharem esse esforço com dezenas de empresas farmacêuticas perfeitamente capazes de as produzir. Era perfeitamente possível fazerem um acordo e manterem à mesma lucros. Só que não. Preferem, no meio do caos em que o mundo está, fazer negócio, especular preços e deixar que todos os dias morram milhares de pessoas, antes de prescindir dos seus princípios mercantilistas. Se o planeta estivesse em risco de colapso iminente, nem mesmo assim abdicavam de açambarcar lucro. O que interessa mesmo são os shareholders estarem felizes e poderem comprar o iate nº4

White morning

Comprar rebuçados a meio tostão


Luis.Santos - Portugal.de Antigamente

February 01, 2021


“The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is an armed hunter stalking through the trees like a ghost, gently pushing aside branches that block the path and trying to tread without sound. 

Make time for life, or life won’t make time.” 

― Liu Cixin, The Dark Forest

Jenny Šniagerová Fülöpová




by Pop_Jim

2021 - Prioridades


Filmes - A Ilha Rosa


Este filme é giríssimo. É um caso que aconteceu. Um recém-formado engenheiro italiano, nos anos 60 passava a vida a inventar cenas e a ir preso porque não pagava as taxas, os impostos, inventava carros e não os legalizava... Enfim... a namorada chateou-se e deixou-o. Anos depois voltaram a ver-se e ele teve a ideia de construir uma ilha -uma plataforma- a 500 milhas para lá das águas territoriais italianas e declarar independência para fazer o que queria sem que o chateassem. Os italianos não acharam piada receber um telefonema do secretário da ONU a informá-los que havia agora um.. país... independente, mesmo em frente do seu nariz e resolveram atacar a ilha. O engenheiro ainda pede ajuda à UE, que na altura ainda é a CEE mas eles não podem fazer nada a não ser reconhecer o país como independente, o que fizeram. Os italianos tiveram que invadir a ilha com vasos de guerra. Enfim, é só rir porque o filme está feito com imensa piada ao gosto italiano. É o único 'país' que a Itália invadiu 😅o filme é cómico demais.

Old ways



Black things



Vejo um futuro não muito longínquo -50 anos, 100 anos, se ainda houver planeta com seres humanos- onde o desenvolvimento embrionário é todo realizado fora do útero, numa espécie de útero artificial, como este modelo do artigo, em condições bio-médicas óptimas, controladas, sem os riscos inerentes ao estado bio-psíquico das mães e aos seus comportamentos durante a gestação, com possibilidade de intervenção nos desvios de desenvolvimento do bebé e com vantagens para a vida e saúde das mulheres. Para já não falar de outras vantagens na vida das mulheres por não terem que passar por esse processo longo e problemático. 


Within a decade or so, babies born between 23 and 25 weeks might not be thrust into the harsh outside world at all. Instead, they may be immediately plunged into a special bag filled with lab-made amniotic fluid, designed to help them gestate for another month inside an artificial womb. (from 2017)

Covid-19 - A Inglaterra tem um contrato blindado?

Como é que um país pensa que sobrevive vacinando os seus mas tendo que viver completamente isolado de todos os outros? 

COVID-19: Rejected contracts and a Hollywood movie - how UK struck deal to guarantee vaccine supply

The government is confident over its supply of vaccines - but things could have been very different.

However, the real source of the government's confidence is its contract with AstraZeneca, which ministers believe commits the pharmaceutical company to delivering UK doses first - a fact confirmed by AstraZeneca boss Pascal Soriot in an interview with Italian newspaper La Repubblica.

Whether that guarantee will hold up under a challenge remains to be seen. Yet, according to a former Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) adviser, the UK nearly missed out on this degree of security.

That is because the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was very nearly the Oxford-Merck vaccine - and under the terms of the agreement with the American pharmaceutical giant, there were no guarantees of supply.

The episode played out against the backdrop of the first phase of the pandemic. During March and April 2020, the University of Oxford negotiated a deal which would allow Merck to manufacture and distribute the vaccine it was in the process of developing.

The arrangement made sense. Unlike British-Swedish AstraZeneca, Merck had experience in making vaccines. Its senior executives had links to Oxford scientist and government adviser Sir John Bell.

Yet when the contract reached Matt Hancock's desk, the former adviser said, the health secretary refused to approve it, because it didn't include provisions specifically committing to supply the UK first.

The fear was export controls - not from the EU, but from the US. Mr Hancock was worried that president Trump would stop vaccines from Merck leaving the country.

With the university and Merck "as close to signing on the dotted line as they could be", he stopped it going ahead, because he didn't want to risk the intellectual property rights for the Oxford vaccine ending up in the hands of a single American company.

"He was just meant to confirm he was happy, and then it would have happened immediately," said the former adviser. "But he wasn't, and overruled officials to block the deal."

Reports have suggested that the Oxford scientists were unsure whether the deal with Merck had strong enough provisions for supplying poorer countries with vaccines. Mr Hancock's objection was more local and political. He wanted to make sure there was enough for UK citizens. The rest of the world could come later.

German MEP Peter Liese said the UK was behaving "like Donald Trump" by trying to guarantee it would receive vaccine doses first. In reality, according to this account, it was fear of Trump - or Trump-like behaviour - that prompted the government to seek additional security.

To see how quickly competition for scarce resources could escalate into conflict, Mr Hancock and his advisers only needed to look at their own recent experience. At the same time as negotiations were developing between Oxford and Merck, DHSC was desperately hunting for ways to replenish its threadbare stocks of Personal Protective Equipment.

In NHS hospitals, nurses were wearing bin bags for protective clothing. Yet the scramble to get hold of PPE was made more difficult by European export controls.

😅 🤣


Mais um dirigente ladrão de vacinas


Quando o primeiro-ministro dá o exemplo...

Administrador de hospital vacina filha e mulher contra Covid-19

Administrador do hospital Narciso Ferreira inseriu a filha, médica noutro hospital, para ser vacinada e mentiu sobre profissão da mulher.

Porque é que o Ventura tem sucesso?

Porque é que os partidos da oposição estão a morrer?











(Pois, é isto. Vazio. Não têm nada a dizer. Nada. )

Um músico com a sua musa


Radio City Music Hall , NY, The colorful emblem, depicting song, 1932 by Hildreth Meière
Hildreth Meière (1892-1961) was a prominent American muralist and mosaicist, whose style was synonymous with Art Deco.
