Estavam entretidos a celebrar a 'vitória' do Ocidente sobre a URSS. Embriagados consigo mesmos e o seu novo poder global. Só que a globalização funciona para todos os lados e todos podem tirar partido dela. E não é como se a Rússia não soubesse como se joga no tabuleiro principal.
Gorbachev: I don't feel any nostalgia when it comes to the Cold War. And I don't wish it upon anyone that those times return. We must concede that after the end of the Cold War, new leaders failed to create a modern security architecture, especially in Europe. As a result, new dividing lines were created and NATO's eastward expansion shifted these lines to Russia's border.
DER SPIEGEL: Aren't relations between Russia and the West just as bad today as during the Cold War?
Gorbachev: If one keeps repeating the same demands over and over, nothing good can come of it. There are signs that both the West and Russia understand that communication channels must be activated. The rhetoric is gradually changing. Perhaps this is the first step.
Interview Conducted by Anna Sadovnikova, Der Spiegel