Showing posts with label 'Beba poesia sem moderação'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Beba poesia sem moderação'. Show all posts

June 06, 2023

Time will tell

Considero a vida uma estalagem onde tenho que me demorar até que chegue a diligência do abismo.(...)
Em nada me pesa ou em mim dura o escrúpulo da hora presente. Tenho fome da extensão do tempo e quero ser eu sem condições.
     - Bernardo Soares - Livro do Desassossego

Dyrham Park, England/National Trust Photographic Library/Bridgeman Images

Andrea Casali: The Personification of History Writing on the Back of Time, early 1760s


June 03, 2023

Nós Os Estelares

Nós Os Estelares

Esses que vivem religiosamente se embasbacando ante o espetáculo das inatingíveis estrelas 
– nunca lhes terá ocorrido acaso que também fazem parte da Via-Láctea?

(Mario Quintana 

June 02, 2023




This is the city.
This is the station.
This is the torn bird.
This is the wide years.
This is the national flag.
This is the blood of terror.
This is the deafening centre.
This is the coat on the hook.
This is the ash beat boardwalk.
This is the metro bullet to nowhere.
This is the dream’s malleable scripture.
This is the man strung out and braying.
This is the black fig agape on the paving.
This is the rope and the grip for dear life.
This is the vertigo pulse of the enlightenment.
This is the percolation of a great body of cells.
This is the failed appliance unfurling from a socket.
This is the labyrinth of a man’s stomach of thought.
This is the raw lighthouse beaten by a stammer of lost seas.

LeminscateChris Viner

I leave myself in the bull-filled room


I leave myself in the bull-filled room




The bull fills the room……………………………………………………………..throws
its horns………….wide………………………………………………………….handfuls
of barnacle……………..tapering…………into slick ivory points……………..medieval    chessmen  spearing…………………………………………………………the paintwork
……………………………………………………………………………………………the bull
is slick dense its skin pungent with grease…………………………………..the smell
………..of coffee grounds………black pepper……………………………the angular bronze 
of its backside .nudges the walls……………………lowers the thickly
veined swing……of its haunchesinto a crouchhooves 
unsettle the floor
…..the girl 
must not touch the bull
…..must fit herselfin his gaps
the game…..children play….where shapes 
must be fittedsnuginto same-shaped holes only…..the girl-

shaped holes in the room keep movingsteering her
around the scalding weight………of the bull’s shoulders……edging……her 
to the wall hyper
….aware of the centimetres……..between
her chest……and the flickof the bull’shoovesshe findsa space

framed between left…… rear leg and tailhead ducked at the 
height of its swaying belly its
…..the room’s inevitable
centre of swollen gravity hauling all…….the thick air
……other days

the girl musttouch the bullmust   slather it
in oil ease the creasing of its skin must                                              rub 
the bull’s shank plead its   hooves                                  … calm break 
beer bottles over its horns let the liquid slide                           down the in 
and out of the bull’s nostrils         its breath      fruiting                                                        ………stale ghhrrrummphhrumpphh against her chest
the girl .. must hold
her palm                 to the     muscles            switching like butter 
under the thumb swell of the bull’s               …  silken temples
must stroke its Rococo      brown lashes                as they close      feel out 
the milky folds under the bull’s jaw find              the largest          vein
hold                 the pulse                            as it slows      must allow
her limbs to become        granular to soften in on one another tuck 
..her hands and feet                      away                feel herself become a shifting ..handful        of rice quick

to find handful-of-rice shaped holes





I’m sorry


girl in the room with a bull
………..………..who wants to be a handful

………..………..………………….of rice I can’t solve this room your search

………..………..………..………..………………….for a few centimetres

of safety           since I left


………..………..the room of too much bull and
………..………..………………….too scared girl I’ve held this cube
………..………..………..………..………..……… my stomach
………..………..some days
………..………..………………….in my throat
………..………..………..………..………..………..some days

I place it on the ground and watch the game
………..………..from the outside the bull

………..………..………..………..………………….like a stranger I can smell the sweet sour ………..………..………..………..………………….pepper of him but can’t translate

………..………..………..………..………………….the edge


of his breathing can’t
………..………..why you’re still                 there




The bull lives in South London
………..writes artificial intelligence software for a food delivery company
………..eats cut-price take outs with three flatmates loud sporty types

………..stained the expensive leather jacket he bought with the girl’s credit card
………. tries to remember her ASOS password

………..goes to the Ritzy Picturehouse mostly on his own
………..thinks of the girl when Brixton Road is damp with leaves
or when his card is rejected

The girl moves west the girl
………..buys a magenta coat and heeled black boots
………..polishes them to a perfect shine

………..walks into town takes Bath Road
………..the yolk of each streetlight demanding yes   yes   yes

………..looks for anyone to touch her
………..touches anyone

………..presses rice to her tongue smells pepper
………..on the bottoms of her feet

……… the cracks of her bathroom tiles
………..leans back as it spreads her nostrils
opens her brain

The last time the bull calls he asks for money
………..the girl might give him the money or she might take three trains to Brixton
………..and shoot him square between the horns
she doesn’t have the money and she doesn’t have a gun

Alice Merry is a British poet living in Lima, Peru. She has previously been published by the Emma Press and Orbis and has performed at events including the Cheltenham Poetry Festival.

June 01, 2023

Don’t allow the lucid moment to dissolve

by Adam Zagajewski

Don’t allow the lucid moment to dissolve
Let the radiant thought last in stillness
though the page is almost filled and the flame flickers
We haven’t risen yet to the level of ourselves
Knowledge grows slowly like a wisdom tooth
The stature of a man is still notched
high up on a white door
From far off, the joyful voice of a trumpet
and of a song rolled up like a cat
What passes doesn’t fall into a void
A stoker is still feeding coal into the fire
Don’t allow the lucid moment to dissolve
On a hard dry substance
you have to engrave the truth

May 27, 2023


To an army wife, in Sardis:

Some say a cavalry corps,

some infantry, some, again,

will maintain that the swift oars

of our fleet are the finest

sight on dark earth; but I say

that whatever one loves, is.

by Sappho

(translated by: Barnard ©)

-  Susan Rahyab

May 20, 2023

"As estrelas, no céu muito límpido, brilhavam, divinamente distantes" (Manuel Bandeira)


fotografia de Petar Milošević 
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, c. 425
Ravenna, Italy

Faz-se luz


Faz-se luz pelo processo 
de eliminação de sombras 
Ora as sombras existem 
as sombras têm exaustiva vida própria 
não dum e doutro lado da luz mas no próprio seio dela 
intensamente amantes loucamente amadas 
e espalham pelo chão braços de luz cinzenta 
que se introduzem pelo bico nos olhos do homem 

Por outro lado a sombra dita a luz 
não ilumina realmente os objectos 
os objectos vivem às escuras 
numa perpétua aurora surrealista 
com a qual não podemos contactar 
senão como amantes 
de olhos fechados 
e lâmpadas nos dedos e na boca 

Mário Cesariny, in "Pena Capital"

fotografia de Abílio Neves - Convento de Tomar

May 15, 2023

Are you - Nobody - Too?


I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you - Nobody - Too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise - you know!

How dreary - to be - Somebody!
How public - like a Frog -
To tell one's name - the livelong June -
To an admiring Bog!

           Emily Dickinson

April 22, 2023

Il faut trouver une langue

Cette langue sera de l'âme pour l'âme, résumant tout, parfums, sons, couleurs, de la pensée accrochant la pensée et tirant. Le poète définirait la quantité d'inconnu s'éveillant en son temps dans l'âme universelle.
                    - Rimbaud

Alain Fleischer, Dans le Cadre du Miroir, 1984

April 05, 2023

Début et fin de la neige

Début et fin de la neige

« Lucrèce le savait :
Ouvre le coffre,
Tu verras, il est plein de neige
Qui tourbillonne.

Et parfois deux flocons
Se rencontrent, s’unissent,
Ou bien l’un se détourne, gracieusement
Dans son peu de mort.

D’où vient qu’il fasse clair
Dans quelques mots
Quand l’un n’est que la nuit,
L’autre, qu’un rêve ?

D’où viennent ces deux ombres
Qui vont, riant,
Et l’une emmitouflée
D’une laine rouge ? »

Yves Bonnefoy

April 03, 2023

"car mon cœur ne meurt jamais "


« il dit vous allez mourir d’un arrêt cardiaque

et la tendresse du cœur est une étoile rouge étoilée de 

striée de mer et de montagne où baigne l’oxygène d’un
bateau qui s’en va

mon cœur rit étoilé de branchies et de mer
d’eau salée et de sang

car mon cœur ne meurt jamais au cœur de la main du 
monde »

               - Béatrice Bonhomme-

"avec moins de lumière"


« on va dans le jardin
le ciel bleu le prunus
cette fin d’été diluée
avec moins de lumière
chaque jour »

Antoine Émaz, Nu(e)

"« Si je parle à l’oreille des heures"

« Si je parle à l’oreille des heures
c’est pour m’approcher du silence
à grande douceur

c’est pour murmurer la violence
afin qu’elle diminue
l’orangé des roses sait pâlir.

Et maintenant ne resterait
qu’une profonde respiration de l’univers
si seulement pouvait se confondre avec elle
ma très irrégulière respiration

Car je suis encore de ce monde
et je me souviens
des prisonniers et des malades. »

    - Marie-Claire Bancquart

March 20, 2023

Um poema de Serhiy Zhadan

Serhiy Zhadan é um poeta ucraniano. Nasceu em Starobilsk, Luhansk oblast.

Take Only What Is Most Important

Take only what is most important. Take the letters.
Take only what you can carry.
Take the icons and the embroidery, take the silver,
Take the wooden crucifix and the golden replicas.

Take some bread, the vegetables from the garden, then leave.
We will never return again.
We will never see our city again.
Take the letters, all of them, every last piece of bad news.

We will never see our corner store again.
We will never drink from that dry well again.
We will never see familiar faces again.
We are refugees. We’ll run all night.

We will run past fields of sunflowers.
We will run from dogs, rest with cows.
We’ll scoop up water with our bare hands,
sit waiting in camps, annoying the dragons of war.

You will not return and friends will never come back.
There will be no smoky kitchens, no usual jobs,
There will be no dreamy lights in sleepy towns,
no green valleys, no suburban wastelands.

The sun will be a smudge on the window of a cheap train,
rushing past cholera pits covered with lime.
There will be blood on women’s heels,
tired guards on borderlands covered with snow,

a postman with empty bags shot down,
a priest with a hapless smile hung by his ribs,
the quiet of a cemetery, the noise of a command post,
and unedited lists of the dead,

so long that there won’t be enough time
to check them for your own name.

Translated from the Ukrainian by Virlana Tkacz and Wanda Phipps

March 19, 2023

E mais um


Aqui nesta praia onde
Não há nehum vestígio de impureza
Aqui onde há somente
Ondas tombando ininterruptamente
Puro espaço e lúcida unidade
Aqui o tempo apaixonadamente
Encontra a própria liberdade

    - Sophia de Mello Breyner

Três poemas de Sophia que reconheço


sophia de mello breyner