July 29, 2020

Os EUA atingem um novo record de crueldade

Recusam-se a libertar os imigrantes ilegais que passaram a fronteira. Há dois anos separaram-nos das crianças que enfiaram em centros de detenção, algumas com 1 ano de idade. Depois reuniram-nas com os pais. Agora querem que os pais escolham entre ficarem com eles naqueles infernos onde estão detidos ou que os entreguem a estranhos para serem educados fora das prisões. Nada muda debaixo do sol como dizia o outro...

'Family Separation 2.0.' Parents in ICE Detention Have To Decide Whether to Keep Their Children or Release Them To Sponsors

As COVID-19 cases continue to increase across the country, court orders from two different lawsuits have created a situation that lawyers and advocates are calling another form of family separation. In the first decision, a federal judge in California required ICE to release the roughly 120 children in U.S. immigration custody by Monday, July 27. In the second, a federal judge in Washington, D.C. decided on Wednesday to deny a motion to release all parents and children together. Now, parents in Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE) detention must decide whether or not to keep their children with them in custody, or to release them out to sponsors.

“We’ve been calling this ‘Family Separation 2.0,'” says Bridget Cambria, an immigration lawyer who represents families at the Berks County Residential Center in Pennsylvania, one of the three facilities that detains children. “It’s a Sophie’s Choice, either you stay in a burning building with your child or you give your child away…it’s a false option.”

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