March 26, 2020

Os estúpidos é que nos hão-de matar - é preciso alimentar as virtudes da UE

Enquanto uns trabalham para nos salvar outros trabalham para nos destruir pela divisão.
Nestas notícias percebemos a virtude de estarmos numa união de países que têm tratados de colaboração que nos obrigam em vez de estarmos cada um por si a tentar passar por cima dos outros.

G-7 failed to agree on statement after U.S. insisted on calling coronavirus outbreak ‘Wuhan virus’

Foreign ministers representing seven major industrialized nations failed to agree on a joint statement Wednesday after the Trump administration insisted on referring to the coronavirus outbreak as the “Wuhan virus,” three officials from G-7 countries told The Washington Post.

Other nations in the group of world powers rejected the term because they viewed it as needlessly divisive at a time when international cooperation is required to slow the global pandemic and deal with the scarcity of medical supplies, officials said.

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