Showing posts with label coisas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coisas. Show all posts

December 07, 2022

A realidade a imitar a arte

Esta couve parece uma ilustração botânica.

Couve portuguesa
Mário Almeida

June 09, 2022

Das coisas que perduram


[se cuidarmos delas] Plantado há 400 este labirinto todo em buxo no Pazo de San Lorenzo em Santiago de Compostela, Espanha, é um dos mais antigos labirintos alegóricos do mundo.

via Upstate Diary

August 17, 2020

Wait but what?!

As for you, if you’re 60 or older, you were born closer to the 1800s than today.

Today’s 35-year-olds were born closer to the 1940s than to today. 

There are a lot of options for that kind of calculation, but those two seemed like the most depressing to me. Worth mentioning that my 94-year-old grandmother was born closer to the Andrew Jackson administration than to today.

If you were born in the 1980s like me, a kid today who’s the age you were in 1990 is a full 30-year generation younger than you. They’ll remember Obama’s presidency the way you remember Reagan’s. 9/11 to them is the moon landing for you. The 90s seem as ancient to them as the 60s seem to you. To you, the 70s are just a little before your time—that’s how they think of the 2000s. They see the 70s how you see the 40s. And the hippy 60s seems as old to them as the Great Depression seems to you. 

But the weirdest thing about kids today: most of them will live to see the 2100s.


July 15, 2020

Um zero e ganha o galo

Isto é bom demais kkkk isto é para quem pensa que os animais são todos uns coitadinhos 😁

June 18, 2020

Coisas encanitantes

Uma pessoa vai ao YouTube ver um tutorial para fazer uma cena no PC. Um procedimento simples de três minutos. O vídeo a explicar tem 12 minutos. O indivíduo começa a explicar no Adão e Eva e aos 5 minutos ainda não chegou à Idade Média. Sou só eu que acho isto mesmo encanitante?