March 06, 2021

Não se pode desfazer um erro cometendo um ainda maior

... que é sair à pressa e deixar o país à sua sorte, como fizeram os americanos no Iraque onde entraram, desencadearam uma onde de violência inaudita e depois saíram e deixara-nos entregues à violência sectária. 

Germany warns against premature withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan

Lawmakers have to decide whether to extend Germany’s military mission in Afghanistan until Jan 31, 2022, while the new U.S. government is reviewing a 2020 agreement with the Taliban which

Lawmakers called for foreign troops to withdraw by May 1.

The current parliamentary mandate for the German operation with up to 1,300 troops expires at the end of March.

“No matter whether we like it or not: The presence of international troops remains one of our most important leverages, without international pressure the Taliban will not seriously engage in a political solution,” Maas said.

“If we hastily pull out our troops we run a significant risk that the Taliban will seek a solution on the battlefield instead of continuing the negotiations,” he added.

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