January 21, 2020

Inglaterra: sementes de violência

Em Inglaterra vai induzir-se a desunião dos cidadãos pela religião. A partir de agora as escolas podem escolher e, por consequência, rejeitar, alunos, com base na sua fé religiosa. Daqui a 50 anos os partidos no Parlamento são: partido anglicano, partido católico, partido hindu, partido muçulmano, partido evangelista, partido puritano... de facto, quem precisa dos EUA ou da Rússia para desagregar os europeus se eles são óptimos a fazê-lo sozinhos??

The government is funding a new wave of voluntary-aided faith schools. Announced in 2018 under Theresa May, these are state-funded schools, supported by a foundation or trust, that are allowed to select up to 100 per cent of their pupils on the basis of religion. Crucially, they are not bound by the rule governing faith-based free schools which can only choose up to 50 per cent of their pupils on grounds of their religion. Mrs May, a vicar’s daughter, declared that she wanted to “confidently promote” religious institutions. Even though she left No 10 last year, her legacy lives on.

Last Thursday, council officials recommended that a new Roman Catholic primary school in Peterborough should proceed. If, as expected, the proposal is approved by councillors in the next few days, it will be the first state school to be created in more than a decade that has the right to be fully religiously selective. In an attempt to head off local opposition, the Diocese of East Anglia, which is sponsoring the school, has promised to limit the number of pupils chosen on the basis of faith to 80 per cent for the first year but has given no commitment after that. Two other fully selective faith schools — one Hindu and the other Church of England — have also been approved in principle by the Department for Education. So far, the numbers are small but Stephen Terry, chairman of the Accord Coalition for Inclusive Education, warns that the country is in danger of “sleepwalking” into “fragmentation”.

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