October 19, 2022

Parrots have their ways of singing their daily sans-anthem...

Green! This is what comes before me when I think of parrots.
Aren't, yet, red, blue, indigo and mix of all their merit?

Mingling midst moss-green leaves; moving like calm breeze midst them,
Parrots have their ways of singing their daily sans-anthem...

Papayas and pomegranates stand so shy when they arrive,
Camouflaging their colors, these, within and midst them thrive.

Careless and carefree...? Nay. They know their undefined freedom.
Amalgamating with the limitless nature-kingdom...

short, sturdy, curvy beak that resembles an antique art,
As though, within it hides austere, authentic earthling heart...

I cannot bear them brooding in a cage, silver or gold,
Every parrot in us should come out courageous and bold...!
         — Christuraj Alex

Mangifera indica
Watercolor on Hot Pressed paper
58 cm x 42 cm
Illustrious Botanical Illustrations
Karyono Apic 

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