January 24, 2022

Post para leitores à procura de livros


O meu amigo Derek Sievers tem um site onde vai pondo os livros que lê e para cada livro faz uma síntese das suas ideias mais interessantes e importantes. Disse-me que nos últimos tempos leu 320!! Tem lá livros sobre temas muito diversos que vão da política à arquitectura, do empreendorismo à escrita, da arte à vida.

É aqui.

Dois exemplos:

The Icarus Deception - by Seth Godin

The Icarus Deception - by Seth Godin

Date read: 2013-01-11. How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

VERY interesting. Seth is moving from talking about business to talking about being an artist in the broad sense of anyone who creates (and ships!) something daring and new. I loved the distinction between the industrialist and the artist, as it helped me give a term for something I'd experienced: not being able to relate at all to those who just want to grow business for business' sake, whereas I always saw my business like a creative art project. The book stays very high-level, so don't look for “TO-DO” type tips.

Read my notes, or go to the Amazon page for details and reviews.

The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking - by Oliver Burkeman

The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking - by Oliver Burkeman

Date read: 2014-06-28. How strongly I recommend it: 8/10

Surprisingly deep and philosophical. The first book I've read in years that makes me want to read it twice. The title and cover make it seem like light pop, but it's a wonderfully-cynical British journalist diving into Stoicism, meditation, death, etc.

Read my notes, or go to the Amazon page for details and reviews.

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