Os meios tradicionais de comunicação perderam 75% das receitas da publicidade devido às pessoas lerem as notícias no FB no motor de busca da Google. A Austrália quer que paguem pela exibição de notícias produzidas por esses meios tradicionais de comunicação. A Google ameaçou o governo da Austrália de lhes fechar o motor de busca.
Google threatens to shut down search in Australia
By Michelle Toh, CNN Business
Google says it will shut down its search engine in Australia if a controversial bill designed to benefit the news media becomes law.
At a Senate hearing in Canberra on Friday, Google (GOOGL) Australia Managing Director Mel Silva said the draft legislation "remains unworkable," and would be "breaking" the way millions of users searched for content online.
"If this version of the Code were to become law, it would give us no real choice but to stop making Google Search available in Australia," she told lawmakers. "That would be a bad outcome not just for us, but for the Australian people, media diversity and small businesses who use Google Search."
The new legislation would allow certain media outlets to bargain either individually or collectively with Facebook and Google — and to enter arbitration if the parties can't reach an agreement within three months, according to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, which put out the proposed legislation....
In the same Senate hearing on Friday, Simon Milner, Facebook's vice president of public policy for Asia Pacific, said the company could ultimately block news content in Australia, though he emphasized a commitment "to make the law workable."