Showing posts with label teachers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teachers. Show all posts

September 29, 2021

I'm teacher tired


Estou tão cansada que nem tenho forças para ir comer - estou esfomeada. Só consegui atirar-me aqui para cima.

Entretanto reparei, a caminho de casa, que o jasmim do jardim de uma casa por onde passo a caminho entre a escola e a casa que está sempre exuberante, mesmo quando não tem flores, está com o aspecto do meu 🙂 É muito maior, claro, porque ocupa o topo do muro do jardim e ainda cai sobre a parede exterior, mas está parecido ao meu. 🙂

November 14, 2020

Teachers 😊


The subject that she was teaching that day was not math or science, it was the art of farting. You see, one of her deaf students broke wind in the middle of class and all of the other children were laughing. She saw this as an opportunity to teach something unique.

November 12, 2020



In every discipline that I’ve looked at, there is a striking generalisation that emerges, which I call the Law of Dynasties: in case after case, the movers and shakers of the fields had themselves been the students of an earlier mover and shaker. Aristotle was the student of Plato, Martin Heidegger was the student of Edmund Husserl, and Noam Chomsky was the student of Zellig Harris (the most brilliant linguist of his generation). To be sure, the Law of Dynasties results in part from self-selection. The very smartest (whatever that means!) of the rising generation are capable of identifying who the best teachers are, and the best teachers have enough smarts to know how to select the students with the greatest potential. Another sort of perfectly reasonable explanation for the Law of Dynasties is that if the teacher is one of the best of their generation, then their strong and positive support for a young scholar will be heard loud and clear in the profession.

John A Goldsmith about Brentano