Showing posts with label picture this. Show all posts
Showing posts with label picture this. Show all posts

July 24, 2020

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  Este miúdo que nem chega com os pés aos pedais, a tocar desta maneira, fez-me lembrar umas palavras de Mary Midgley

"(..), any explanation [of human behavior] that invoked culture, however vague, abstract, far-fetched, infertile and implausible, tended to be readily accepted, while any explanation in terms of innate tendencies, however careful, rigorous, well-documented, limited and specific tended to be ignored.

In animal psychology, however, the opposite situation reigned. Here, what was taboo was the range of concepts that describes the conscious, cognitive side of experience.

The preferred, safe kind of explanation here derived from ideas of innate programming and mechanical conditioning. If anything cognitive was mentioned, standards of rigour at once soared into a stratosphere where few arguments could hope to follow."

June 18, 2020

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A Suécia espera que os outros países tenham segundas vagas da epidemia para poderem dizer que estavam certos em fazer nada e deixar o vírus varrer o país com mortes...

Suécia ultrapassa as 5000 mortes e a imunidade ainda não está à vista

Autoridades suecas defendem que a estratégia não foi errada e que o vírus irá voltar a circular rapidamente nos países que fizeram confinamento. Mas a imunidade de grupo parece difícil de alcançar. Testes em Estocolmo revelam que só 14% tem anti-corpos à Covid-19.